2013년 8월 19일 월요일


It's a classification for the movie content. So we can see what age can watch the movies.


This photo is taken from one part of supermarket. As we can see, the fruits or vegetables are classified into groups.


It is a mind map of music genres. We can classify the different genre with the mindmap.


Plant classification classified the plants with groups. From above, we can see they classified the plants into non-vascular plants and vascular plants. Classification is easier to memorise than the list it down.


Library divide the books into several groups such as fictions, language and so on. Thus, this is one of examples for classification.


Species classification classified animals into species that can help us see the animal species easier.


A family tree is classified into a family so we can see the relationships between people easily.

2013년 8월 12일 월요일


How to wear a shirt.

1) Wear normally.

2) Make the shirt dress. (like this)

3) Make a hair turban.

4) Reformed the big size shirt into a princess dress for the children.


How to send a message.

1) Use a sms.

2) Email them or use sns.

3) Write a message and put it into the receiver's postbox.

4) Use a pigeon.

5) Write on the board or wall.


How to breakup with boyfriend/girlfriend.

Breakingup with boyfriend/girlfriend is the hardest thing. There are few ways to breakup with boyfriend/girlfriend.

1) Just tell them that you don't love him/her anymore.

2) Pretend you are a gay/ lesbian.

3) Pretend you have a kid or kids.

4) Use the pigeons to send a message to him/her.

5) Ask mom to tell him/her.

6) Just change the phone number and don't contact with him/her forever and ever.


How to kill the paperman.

1) Tear him up.

2) Burn him.

3) Give him to the dog.

4) Fill cup with water and put him in the cup.

5) Crumple him.

6) Use two strings to tie him head and leg and pull the strings in different directions.


How to paint.

Some people paint with creative materials.

1) Usually, people paint with water colour, acrylic paint, poster paint, and so on.

2) Paste crayon on the top of the sketchbook and melt the crayons with hair dryer.

3) Use blood.

4) Use skittles and melt it to paint.


How to break a glass.

There are a lot of ways to break a glass. Here are some examples.

1) Use ur hand and break it. (usually people do this to break the glass)

2) Shoot at the glass.

3) Drive a car over the glass.

4) Kick it.

5) Throw it on the top of the roof.


How to distribute money.

There are some ways to distribute money. The definition of distribution is to divide and give out in share. Thus, there are some examples!

1) Give children pocket money.
2) Make a money tree. (BIG one)
3) Throwing money on the top of the building.
4) Gambling
5) Fill the bottle with money and throw it to the sea.
6) Fill random people's postbox with money.

2013년 8월 9일 금요일


Usually, bed has one big mattress but this bed uses fiberglass reinforced plastic tubes that can fold and adjust to different mattress sizes.


The designer broke the rule and designed this shoes because there is no heels. People think that high heel must have heels but the shoes does not have any heels. However, this heels are called heeless.

2013년 8월 4일 일요일


I have one habit that I keep shaking my legs. In Korea, there is one superstition that if you shake your legs your luck will be gone so my grandmother keep saying ' stop shaking legs '. Therefore, I am trying to sit properly and put my both legs on the floor to stop shaking legs.

2013년 8월 3일 토요일


Many people will think that heels should cover your soles of feet however, this designer thought differently and broke the rule. The designer designed shoes with only one big strip. I think it's very unique and creative.


I think the designer who design this dress broke the rule because everyone thinks that dress will be made by clothing. However, this designer thought in different ways and he/she made this dress by lettuce.