2014년 2월 18일 화요일

Katie Rodgers

Katie has been on the receiving end of a number of enviable commissions of late – most recently she worked with Coach for New York’s Fashion’s Night Out where she appeared in store and illustrated a number of handbags for a line of eager customers. She grew up in Loganville, Georgia, which is definitely not the most fashionable place on earth, but She still loves it. She now lives and works in Boston. She works at Reebok as an apparel designer during the day, and run PaperFashion (a fashion illustration blog and business) in her spare time. She wanted to major in cello and design but in the end she chose design. She studied Industrial Design at Carnegie Mellon University.This lead her to focus on fashion. All of these experiences have definitely given her the knowledge and drive to be where she is now. She never sets out to be an apparel designer, or an illustrator, but somehow she was on a path to get here. 

2014년 2월 11일 화요일

Hayden Williams

Hayden Williams' energy is pretty infectious: Through his vibrant, idealized illustrations of women, the illustrator has become a phenom for his signature, amazon silhouette.
"One woman even said to me, 'Is it weird that I want to look like your sketches?'" Williams laughs. The fact that Rihanna used his uncommissioned portrait as her Twitter profile picture sealed his sought-after status.
At the mere age of 20, Williams is a student and aspiring fashion designer, and claims his passion for illustration manifested itself at the tender age of three. "As a child, I was obsessed with Disney movies, and I would constantly draw the animated female characters until they looked up to my standards, which was nothing less than perfect," says Williams. "All those years of drawing the female form [made for a] natural progression into fashion illustration and design as a teen."
Illustrator Spotlight: Rihanna Favorite Hayden Williams