2014년 3월 26일 수요일

Sunny Gu

Sunny Gu was born in China but moved to America when she was 13. She started painting and drawing as a hobby since she was young. As she grew she encountered people from various of backgrounds, this triggered her curiosity for other cultures. She learnt to observe and discover beauties in everything around her. She lived in the United States in Alhambra which is near Los Angeles where she could see all the fashionistars and their good sense of style. She inspired from California and tended to illustrate people tropical outfits. She has always interested by bright colours and intricate details which led her into job as illustrator. She has drawn for as long as she can remember. Drawing and painting have always been her favourite things to do. Even though she may be drawing stick figures and crayon doodles when she was little, every practice has contributed and has paved away to her artistic growth. However, even though other people say her works are perfect, she points out things that she can improve on. She normally uses watercolour because she love the vibrancy and the unpredictable nature of watercolour. Occasionally she used graphite or acrylic paint to render some of special textures.

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